The meetings are the 3rd Monday of the month. We don't meet until until September 16,
Click above image to see more images, including memorial bricks surrounding our memorial centerpiece.
Veterans Corner
Susan Horsman, Cmdr. (ret.)
Hello all! To those who have gone back or are traveling, I hope you did so safely. Our next meeting is Monday, September 16. Despite moving dates around, the Hot Dog sale in March went great!! Thank you all for attending and to our volunteers as well. I hope you all had a great Memorial Day weekend. We need your help! If you have served in the military, please join our group because we need you. If you are a vet that fires a weapon and would like to join the Honor Guard, please contact Randy Stegemerten. Women, if you would like to carry a flag for our services (no military background required), please contact our Color Guard Captain, Barbara Anderson. Have a safe summer, all!
Thanks to Volunteers & Residents supporting CCC Vets again October 25 2023

Continental Veterans properly disposing American Flags April 2023

March 2023 Hot Dog Fundraiser Slideshow. Click side arrows to select images
Making our March 2023 meeting both productive and enjoyable with the help of lunch provided by Mission BBQ.
August, 2023
I hope everyone is enjoying their summer…finding ways to stay cool if you remained at CCC with the summer’s blistering heat…or if you’re up north, like I am, enjoying sending “cool” weather updates to our friends in the south…rubbing it in (smile). As for Veteran news, there is not much to report on for this month of August. Our CCC Veterans Association does not meet during the summer, but we have been here for the proper disposal of over a hundred US flags on Flag Day and we have installed a couple more flag poles for our residents. We will resume our regular monthly meeting on September 18th.
Lastly, I’m sad to say Steve Newton, a Navy Veteran passed away at the age of 79 on July 1st. Steve was very interested and involved in crafts, bridge, and billiards and a Buffalo Bills fan. He was also an active member on our CCC Long Term Planning Committee as well as the Veteran’s Honor Guard. Our CCC Veterans Association has reached out to Steve’s family offering a memorial service in the Fall, please watch for details to follow. Rest in peace Steve.
Our History Lesson for August
We have two military birthdays in the Month of August: Aug. 4th is the US Coast Guard’s birthday and Aug. 29th is the Marine Corps Reserves birthday.
Having been established on August 4th, 1790, the Coast Guard Reserve will be 232 years old this year. Their motto is “Semper Paratus” …meaning Always Ready.
The beginning of the Marine Corps Reserve dates back to August 29th, 1916, when U.S. involvement in WW I appeared to be more likely President Woodrow Wilson signed the Naval Appropriations Act of 1916, which established the Marine Corps Reserve.
For God and Country
Larry Woodward
CCC Veterans Association plaque appreciating MISSION BBQ. Photo c/o Michael Murphy

In the Restaurant there’s a hall between the dining room and the lounge. In the corner is The Continental Veterans POW table in memory of those who were/are prisoners of war.
Please read the following which will explain exactly what the table represents